Rio Grande and Elephant Butte El Paso receives nearly half its annual water supply from the Rio Grande River flows that arrive in El Paso primarily originate from snowmelt runoff in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico However, water delivery to El Paso is complex and regulated With many communities depending on this source, water for all must be safeguardedRio Grande River Trail Description A 105mile stretch of the developing Rio Grande River Trail begins near the Texas/New Mexico border and continues south, connecting the Texas communities of Anthony, Vinton, Canutillo and El Paso Along the way, you'll enjoy wide open desert vistas and views of the Franklin MountainsThe Rio Grande is a widely varied river, with different fishing opportunities in different areas Around El Paso, the river is generally muddy and slowmoving and supports populations of catfish and carp, with a few sunfish and largemouth bass Several sites throughout the city provide access to the river, including...